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2017年12月18日 21:49  點(diǎn)擊:[]

序號(hào) 論文題目 期刊 作者 備注
1 Renoprotective   effects of GLP1R agonists and SGLT2 inhibitors NATURE   REVIEWS NEPHROLOGY Horcher
2 A   novel synthetic derivative of quercetin,   8-trifluoromethyl-3,5,7,3',4'-O-pentamethyl-quercetin, inhibits bladder   cancer growth by targeting the AMPK/mTOR signaling pathway. Oncotarget 鄒輝*楊小平* JCR醫(yī)學(xué)2區(qū)
3 Human   interstitial cellular model in therapeutics of heart valve calcification. Amino   Acids 楊小平* JCR生化與分子生物學(xué)3區(qū)
4 Resistant   Starch Regulates Gut Microbiota: Structure, Biochemistry and Cell Signalling. Cell   Physiol Biochem 楊小平 JCR生理學(xué)2區(qū)
5 Combination   of metformin with chemotherapeutic drugs via different molecular mechanisms. Cancer   Treat Rev. 楊小平* JCR醫(yī)學(xué)1區(qū)
6 Biatractylolide   Modulates PI3K-Akt-GSK3??-Dependent
    Pathways to Protect against Glutamate-Induced Cell Damage in
    PC12 and SH-SY5Y Cells
Evidence-Based   Complementary and Alternative MedicineEVID-BASED COMPL ALT 馮星*
7 Autophagy   and Doxorubicin Resistance in Cancer Anticancer   Drugs 鄧錫云 四區(qū)
8 3D   Modeling of Cancer Stem Cell Niche Oncotarget 鄧錫云 一區(qū)
9 Identification   of Nucleobindin-2 as a Potential Biomarker for Breast Cancer Metastasis Using   iTRAQ-based Quantitative Proteomic Analysis Journal   of Cancer 鄧錫云 三區(qū)
10 Lovastatin   inhibits cancer stem cells and sensitizes to chemo- and photodynamic therapy   in nasopharyngeal carcinoma Journal   of Cancer 鄧錫云 三區(qū)
11 PAI1:   a novel PP1-interacting protein that mediates human plasma's anti-apoptotic   effect in endothelial cells Journal   of Cellular and Molecular Medicine 鄧錫云 二區(qū)
12 Triple-Negative   Breast Cancer: Is There a Treatment on the Horizon? Oncotarget 鄧錫云 一區(qū)
13 Neuropeptide   S reduces propofol- or ketamine-induced slowwave states
    through activation of cognate receptors in the rat
Neuropeptides 孔祥攀等 孔祥攀第一作者
14 A   label-free biosensor based on localized surface plasmon resonance for
    diagnosis of tuberculosis
Journal   of Microbiological Methods Shishan   Yuan(袁仕善) 通訊作者
15 Increased   serum miR-300 level serves as a potential biomarker of   lipopolysaccharide-induced lung injury by targeting IKBa Pharmazie 代洪 通訊作者
16 Study   on Cisplatin Aggravating DNA Damage and Causing a High Apoptosis Rate on   Breast Cancer MCF-7 Cells Medicinal   Plant 袁立明 第一作者
17 Workplace   violence against nurses: A cross-sectional study International   Journal of Nursing Studies 張六一 護(hù)理1區(qū)
18 MiR-199a-3p   enhances breast cancer cell sensitivity to cisplatin by
    downregulating TFAM (TFAM)
Biomedicine   & Pharmacotherapy 凡學(xué)龍 第一作者
19 Effects   of meso-2,3-dimercaptosuccinic acid, potassium iodide and chlorophyll on lead   accumulation in male mice Int   J Occup Med Env 謝穎,周桂鳳
20 Epigallocatechin-3-gallate   inhibits arsenic-induced inflammation and apoptosis through suppression of   oxidative stress in mice Cell Physiol Biochem 李玉飛* 通訊作者
21 LncRNA   PVT1 Regulates Chondrocyte Apoptosis in Osteoarthritis by Acting as a Sponge   for miR-488-3p DNA   and Cell Biology 李玉飛 第一作者
22 Long   Noncoding RNA CIR Promotes Chondrocyte Extracellular Matrix Degradation in   Osteoarthritis by Acting as a Sponge For Mir-27b Cell   Physiol Biochem 李玉飛 第一作者
23 Genetic   identification and molecular modeling characterization
    reveal a novel PROM1 mutation in Stargardt4-like macular
Oncotarget 傅俊江* 通訊作者


上一條:2018年度SCE/SSCI論文發(fā)表報(bào)告 下一條:2017年度CSSCI論文發(fā)表報(bào)告


地址:中國(guó)湖南長(zhǎng)沙岳麓區(qū)桐梓坡路371號(hào) 郵政編碼:410013 學(xué)院微信公眾號(hào):hnsfdxyxy 投稿:yxyyw2017@163.com 電話:0731-88912416(行政辦)、88912480(學(xué)工辦)

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